Bladder Leaks? It might be your bowel: Insights and top tips about pooing from Carina Siracusa

Dr Carina Siracusa has been practising for over 18 years in the field of neurological and paediatric physiotherapy and is board certified in pelvic health physiotherapy and oncology physiotherapy. She is a professor at South College in Knoxville, Tennessee and treats neurological pelvic floor patients at OhioHealth in Columbus, Ohio. She has taught pelvic floor physiotherapy courses for the Academy of Pelvic Health Physical Therapy in the US and has developed multiple specialty pelvic floor courses, which she has taught all over the world.

In this episode we chat about:

  • What is “normal” for how often you do a poo?

  • Mechanics of the digestive system

  • What is constipation and how to differentiate between slow transit and obstructed defecation

  • What is the best poo consistency?

  • How should you sit on the toilet for the best chance of pooing easily?

  • The interplay of the pelvic floor muscles and opening your bowels 

  • Constipation in kids and fears around using the toilet 

  • Effects of constipation on bladder urgency and urinary incontinence 

  • Top bowel habits 


Some teaching and resources from Carina


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