When PMS dictates your life, have you considered PMDD? A deep dive into hormonal health and PMDD with Naturopath Sage King

Sage King (she/her) is a diversity-friendly naturopath and nutritionist, specialising in reproductive health including fertility & IVF optimisation, Endometriosis & Adenomyosis, PCOS, PMS & PMDD to name a few.

 As an educator and speaker, Sage contributes to practitioner education on topics such as preconception care, LGBTQIA+ inclusivity and reproductive health, the intersection between hormones & neurodivergence & alongside her colleagues runs monthly group mentoring on clinical foundations of reproductive health. Sage has contributed to research alongside NICM Health Research Institute investigating the impact of naturopathic interventions on premature ovarian insufficiency and pregnancy outcomes.

In this topic we discuss

  • What is PMDD (Premenstrual dysphoric disorder) 

  • Is it a hormone disorder? Is it a mental health disorder? How is it diagnosed?

  • Can it be treated or cured?

  • What are the main hormonal drivers for PMDD and how are they treated?

  • Are these treatments effective in Endometriosis symptoms?


Website: rhreproductivehealth.com
Socials: @sagekingnaturopathy
Free 10-min discovery calls for patients: rhreproductivehealth.com/booking-calendar/free-10-minute-discovery-call?referral=service_list_widget
Patient resources: rhreproductivehealth.com/patient-education
Blog: rhreproductivehealth.com/blog


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