Juggling birth, parenting and olympic marathon running with Jess Stenson

Jess is a 3x Olympian, 2022 Commonwealth Games Marathon champion and 2x com games bronze medalist. She is also a mum of 2 and a qualified physiotherapist.

Jess birthed her 2nd Baby, Ellie, just 10 months before she finished 13th in the Paris olympics in the Women’s Marathon. In this episode we discuss:

  • Ellie’s birth story (Planned Cesarean Section) 

  • Post partum recovery timelines after a c-section and return to running 

  • Training for her first marathon after birth (South Korea)

  • The lead up to the Paris olympics, her training, sleep schedules and diet 

  • Juggling multiple night wakes, breastfeeding and the demands of olympic training 

  • Mindset and physical training in the lead up to Paris 

  • What’s next in store for Jess


You can follow Jess’s journey online @jess_tren


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